​​Reconnecting With a Lost Love. Finding Your Way Back

lost love

Most people have ‘the one that got away.’ A long-lost love or a first love they wish they could rekindle with. In fact, 13% of the UK population married their first love and their relationships turned out to be much stronger. If all these years later, you still find yourself wondering about what might have been, there are ways of finding lost love.

Don’t Be Afraid of Reconnection

Realizing that you want to reconnect with a previous love is daunting and full of ‘what ifs.’ Before you even try reconnecting with a lost love, it’s important to be clear about their situation. They could be in a relationship, married, or live halfway across the world. In other words, rekindling might not even be possible. Even if they are single, you might have drifted into different worlds and become different people who have little in common.

Before you reach out, do some digging. Find out what you can about them so that you’re not left disappointed if your efforts to reconnect go nowhere.

How to Find Your Lost Love?

So, you’ve decided to go ahead, but if you’re not in contact already, how do you go about it? Well, here’s how to find a lost love.

One of the best options is Searqle. This is an instant people look up and data search. From one search, you can get information like their full name, phone number, current address, past address, date of birth, and even aliases and relatives.

Here’s how to perform a Name search:

  1. Go to the Searqle homepage.
  2. Create an account.
  3. Log in.
  4. Click on the information you want to search by name, phone number, email address, or address.
  5. Type in the required information (their first name and last name) in the search box and click ‘search.’

You’ll typically find their contact information, social media profiles, and general details about them.

What’s the Best Way to Start Communication?

Once you’ve tracked down your lost love, you need to think about the best way to start communicating with them. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Start with a friendly message. This could be on social media, email, or by text. Keep it light and acknowledge the past. Avoid pouring your heart out right away.
  2. Be sincere about why you’re getting in touch—authenticity matters.
  3. Allow the reconnection to happen naturally and don’t rush it. Reuniting with your first love won’t happen overnight.

Consider the timing of your message. Use a holiday or birthday as an excuse to get in touch. There are plenty of holidays to use as an excuse, even ones that aren’t well-known, like National Fried Chicken Day on July 6th or National Kitten Day on July 10th.

Do Not Interact With Them Too Much

When you attempt reconnecting with an old love, you need to be respectful. You need to take things slowly and respect their response. If they’re not interested, you’ll need to respect this and not push further. Keep in mind that they may have moved on or may not be interested.

If they do seem interested, you still need to take things slowly. It will never be a case of picking up where you left off. You’ll need to take cues from them and reestablish trust. As such, don’t:

  • Text, email, or call too much.
  • Share mutual pictures of them on socials.
  • Lean on them for emotional support.
  • Comment on their lives (family, style, appearance, work, etc.).
  • Try to make changes to them or their lives.


Reconnecting with a lost love is by no means easy. Be prepared that, for many people, life has moved on. Although you may have feelings you’d like to redress, they won’t necessarily have any towards you. Remember, you don’t have anything to lose by reaching out to them—as long as you do it politely and respectfully—so don’t be disheartened by the thought of them having moved on. After all, even a small chance is worth taking if you love the person.

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