Find Instagram by Phone Number: 3 Ways to Unearth Their Profile

Dating has come a long, long way. And despite how advanced things might seem, modern-day courtship seems like a giant step backwards when you take the time to dissect the overall experience.
Think about it. Decades ago, to meet a potential partner, you’d go to bars, attend parties, or chat someone up on the subway.
But thanks to apps like Tinder, X, and Snapchat, it’s easy for anyone to just slide into someone’s DMs and initiate a conversation — all pretty much anonymously. That’s why more and more people are turning to Instagram account lookup tools for help. More on that in a minute.
Why You Need an Instagram Search Tool
Meeting someone online has levelled the playing field for millions of people — especially introverts. By being able to hide behind a screen, people looking to connect with someone special have suddenly found the courage to initiate conversations with strangers.
It all sounds great… until you realize that all this anonymity comes with real dangers.
Imagine someone talking to you on Snapchat or Tinder. You want to take the conversation to WhatsApp or text, so you ask for their number to make sure they’re legit. They don’t hesitate, and your communication continues by text.
But you want to know more about this person before meeting up with them. You want to make sure they’re legit and safe — and that they’re not out to catfish you.
So, you turn to Instagram. But low and behold, you can’t find them. So, you ask them if they’re on Instagram. They tell you no, but that seems suspicious. Everyone’s on Instagram, right? Especially those in the dating scene. Something’s not right.
It’s time to find Instagram by phone number. And there are three great Instagram user search tools worth considering.
Method #1: Run Instagram User Search With Searqle

Searqle is an advanced online search tool that lets you find out all kinds of information, about almost anyone. And you only need one piece of information to make it happen. The online search tool is designed to let you find someone by phone number easily and effortlessly — perfect for anyone looking to run an Instagram account search.
If you know their phone number, simply punch it into Searqle. The powerful search tool digs through 1.3 billion records to find the information you’re looking for, including online profiles. If they have an Instagram account tied to their phone number, Searqle will spit it out and you’ll be able to go to town on their profile.
It’s a great way to make sure those pics they’ve sent you on Snapchat align with their Instagram profile. And if they claim not to have an Instagram account and you suddenly find it with Searqle, at least you’ll be aware of the red flag.
Method #2: Turn on Contacts Syncing

Can you find someone’s Instagram with their phone number without digging through a billion records? You bet. And Instagram has a built-in way to help.
It’s called Contacts Syncing and it’s easy to set up. If you have their phone number, make sure it’s in your address book. Then, go to Instagram, tap your profile, select Account, and turn on Contacts Syncing.
You’ll need to give Instagram access to your iPhone or Android’s Contacts app. Once you’ve granted access, Instagram will use your contacts to suggest Instagram users for you to follow.
If their number is tied to their Instagram, the app will tell you. And with this method, you only need to learn how to find someone’s Instagram with their phone number one time. Once Contacts Syncing is on, Instagram will keep looking through your Contacts.
Method #3: Use the Good Old-Fashioned Search Bar
We know what you’re thinking. Can you look up Instagram by phone number without having to sync your contacts? It’s a great question. The truth is that by giving social media companies like Meta access to parts of your phone that should be private, you’re trusting them with all kinds of valuable personal information.
And if you think social media companies wouldn’t touch your personal data, just take a moment to read the terms & conditions you agreed to when you created your account. Spoiler alert: it’s not pretty.
So, what’s the solution? Well, it turns out you can type their phone number right into the Instagram search bar. If it’s tied to their profile and available for public view, you may be able to see it.
The Top Choice Is Obvious
All three methods covered in this article work wonders, but if you really want to dig deep and uncover the truth, Searqle is your best bet.
That’s because Searqle doesn’t just unearth their Instagram profile. It finds a whole bunch of information, including their other social media profiles, any email addresses they use, and even their home address. You’ll also be able to see things like arrest records, felonies, and more information than you ever thought possible.
And that’s not all. Searqle also lets you search by name, email, and home address. It’s the most powerful way to search Instagram by phone number — and so much more.