Signs Your Boyfriend Is Losing Interest: Top 10

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Losing Interest

Relationships are difficult to navigate at the best of times, but it can be much harder when you feel your partner losing interest. In this article, we’ll help you figure out what’s going on by introducing you to the top 10 signs your partner is losing interest.

Top 10 Signs That Your Partner Is Losing Interest

Here are the top ten signs your partner is losing interest:

1. He Stopped Paying Attention

When you’re in a healthy relationship, you have a natural curiosity about each other and your lives. It’s not just the major events you want to know about but the small things that make each other tick.

When couples begin to ‘tune out’ of their relationship, they likely stop engaging in so much conversation. You might notice, for example, that your partner simply doesn’t ask you questions anymore.

2. ​​His Body Language Is Not the Same as Before

Another of the signs your boyfriend is losing interest is changes to his body language. Relationships naturally evolve, and you might become less affectionate the longer you stay together, but if there is a noticeable change in body language, it could be a sign that something’s not quite right. For example, he might stop talking to you face to face, sit with crossed arms, avoid eye contact, or not engage in physical affection like he used to. If you’ve noticed any of these signs, it might be worth getting to the bottom of it.

3. You Are No Longer His Priority

Maybe you were once the center of his world, but now you feel as though you’re hardly in it at all. When trivial things are more important than you, it should make you wonder. If, for instance, he cancels plans with you for something else or he doesn’t include you in his plans, you might wonder why. If you feel a clear lack of attention, this is a sign he might be losing interest in you.

4. He Is Slow to Respond to Messages

Among other signs your bf is losing interest is that he has become slow to respond to your attempts to make contact. If he used to be really responsive and nothing else has changed workwise then he may be distancing himself.

This might come with excuses when you pull him up on it (and they may be valid), but a very delayed response, particularly if he’s responded to someone else at that time, could be a red flag.

5. Physical Intimacy Changes

A clear and obvious sign of a partner losing interest is changes to your sex life. If there are big changes in frequency or quality, you need to know why. While there may be genuine reasons behind the change, it’s important to have a conversation about it to know what’s behind it.

6. No Motivation to Impress You

When you first start a relationship, he probably tried to impress you a lot. Now he’s bagged you, he might not be motivated to do so. If he’s not well-groomed or sharing details of his accomplishments at work, for example, then it might be a red flag. However, it could just be that he is confident in the relationship and doesn’t feel like he needs to impress you anymore. 

7. Does Not Want to Communicate With Your Family

Avoiding spending time with your partner’s friends and family is a major sign he’s losing interest. He might:

  • Back off from plans that he would have enjoyed previously.
  • Come up with excuses as to why he can’t come.
  • Say he has urgent work meetings.
  • Criticize your loved ones.

You’ll likely know deep down that any excuses like these are lame. And they should be a clear sign that he is losing interest.

8. You Are Often in Conflict

Conflict is natural when you spend so much time with one another. However, if he’s picking fights at small things, then it could be that his heart’s just not in the relationship anymore. When we truly love someone, we tend to gloss over the habits that irritate us. But when we don’t have those feelings, we’re more vocal about our annoyances.

9. Frequent Excuses

Frequent excuses not to spend time with you could mean he’s losing interest, especially if these aren’t believable excuses. He may say he feels ill, has a friend visiting, or needs to help his uncle, whatever it is, if these excuses are frequent, it could be a sign he’s deliberately avoiding you.

10. He Flirts With Other Girls

In number 10 in our guide on signs your affair partner is losing interest is if he openly flirts with others. According to recent studies, men are more likely to flirt with women and often do not notice it. However, if he is acting disrespectfully and openly flirting with others, it could be a sign that things aren’t right. See how he reacts if you mention it as his reaction to being called out will be telling.

What to Do if You Suspect Him?

If you recognize these signs, here are some tips on what to do:

  1. Don’t chase him. It’s hard, but you’ve been alone before. If you back off and he notices, it’s time for a serious conversation.
  2. Build your life without him in it: Seek out social opportunities that don’t involve him. Make plans with friends, relatives, or colleagues. He might come crawling back, he might not. But be sure to have a life without him in it.
  3. Understand it’s normal to feel hurt: These situations are always hard, but you will feel better again.
  4. Concentrate on yourself: Try not to worry about the life you’re missing with him, instead concentrate on the life you have without him.


It can be hard to know someone’s interest in you is waning. However, one of the easiest things you can do is ask outright. If something’s not right, have a conversation. It may save months of guess work and heartache.

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